Lapdance Gone Bad at Foxy Reviews
Lap Dance Gone Bad has a more accurate title than its creators intended, I fear. More than a Lap Dance Gone Bad, though, this is an adult website gone bad. The idea is solid enough but the authors just didn’t execute it and now this site is little more than a letdown. With so much healthy competition out there an adult site just can’t afford to do half the work and Lap Dance Gone Bad is surely going to pay the price for its laziness. Just how is this site lazy? There are few areas worth mentioning but none more so than the total lack of updates. The site launched sometime in mid-July 2007 and at the time of this review 2 years later has only 9 videos. Apparently, a few months after launch they just gave up on the site, leaving it to stew in idleness. There have been no updates in well over a year (almost two) and it is very, very unlikely that they will update anytime in the near future (or ever again). The second sign of laziness is in the design of the members’ area. It isn’t intuitive at all and muddling your way through the content can become a bit of a chore. It falls short of being a complete disaster but doesn’t help itself in anyway to better sell its limited amount of content. Beyond this the site angered me and other users in a few other ways. The tour pages are full of Hi-Res, Hi-Def and frequent update promises like every other site but not one of them are true. At the time of this review the 9 videos that are online can be downloaded in Windows Media Player and Quick Time formats and neither are anything near hi-def quality. They are slightly above average at best and do not offer a full-episode download. At this point Lap Dance Gone Bad is just throwing gas on a fire of indignation fuming from their members. The photos, of which there are 14 galleries with around 125 pics each, are not hi-res photos either. They are good looking pictures that you can only browse online. I could go on about the mistakes and disappointments at Lap Dance Gone Bad but don’t want to waste anymore of your time on a site that isn’t worth it. If you’re looking for a site to throw away money on then Lap Dance Gone Bad would be a great candidate; otherwise, I recommend browsing through some of the other stripper and club girl sites that have been reviewed on this site and finding one that is actually worth its price tag.
Overall score: 14/20
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